Monday, February 15, 2010

Travel Prep

Only last night I got home from horseshoeing school outside of Dallas after two very long days of travel. Now I have two very short days to rest and repack before jetting off to... Australia! Honestly, the reality of moving to the Outback for 6 months has barely set in. I think the station (ranch) where I will be working is very large (3 million acres), very remote (5 hours from the closest town) and very hot, in spite of being there in the winter. All of this makes me exceptionally unsure of how to pack.

I leave Wednesday (the 17th) at noon. I start with a 9 hour flight to LA, where I'm staying overnight. I leave again the next night for a 15 hour flight to Sydney. Due to the magic of timezones, I get on the plane the night of the 18th and then get off it the morning of the 20th. Yikes! I'm in Sydney for just long enough to make it through customs and then I hop on a plane again bound for Darwin, which is at the central northern tip of the country. I spend the night in Darwin on the 20th because there is only 1 bus out of town each day and it leaves at noon. So I get a little break before my nine, that's right, NINE hour bus trip into the outback. At the end of this drive, I hop off the bus at a hotel where, hopefully, my new employers will meet me and drive me the several hours to the station. Oh boy! 4 days (5 on the calendar) of travel! Let's just say I'm not expecting anyone to come visit me. Wow.

View Australia Travel in a larger map

I believe I will have fairly constant internet access during this adventure, so I would love to hear from anyone and everyone. If you would prefer, my mailing address will be...

Jena Clarke
PMB 12
Tennant Creek, NT 0862

I will try to keep this up to date and take plenty of pictures.

Love you all,


  1. Dang it, I am going to barely miss you when you are in LA! I am in Motreal for work and get back Thurday night. Sounds like an exciting adventure, I am glad you will be doing this blog to keep us all updated. Have a safe trip!

  2. Bloody hell, I'm in Melbourne, and that's far too far away for even ME to visit!! Hope you get down south at some point though. Looking forward to hearing all about your adventure! xx

  3. Wow! I'm already looking forward to more posts! :) Safe travels!!!

  4. Hi Gena, What a whirlwind of travel - your dad has nothing on you! An incredible adventure and it sounds like the opportunity of a lifetime. I look forward to hearing more about it. Do you have a great digital camera? Love to see some pictures of the work that you are doing.

  5. Hi JENA. Pop and I are looking forward to more tales from the outback from you. Love you SO much. Momma in El Paso
